Improves the appearance of the abdominal area after pregnancy or significant weight loss.
Abdominoplasty, also called tummy tuck surgery, surgically removes the excess skin and fat that lies between the umbilicus and the overhanging skin (or to a cesarean scar) from the abdominal area. Depending on the needs of the patient, the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened. The incision is a half-moon shape (length is dependent on the mass of skin and fat to be removed).
Approximately two to four hours.
Most commonly patients are placed under general anaesthesia. This procedure can also be performed with a regional nerve block obtained with local anaesthetic agents.
Either is possible and depends on the patient’s health and the doctor’s preference.
Possible Side Effects
Temporary discomfort, low back pain, post-operative swelling, soreness or tenderness in the surrounding areas, numbness of abdominal skin and bruising are possible side effects.
Infection, bleeding under the skin flap or at the incision site, pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that travels to the lung), scarring (keloids), delayed healing, or the need for a second reversionary operation are potential risks, enlargement of the scar.
The patient may return to work within two to four weeks. Upon re-evaluation by the physician, the patient may return to activity that is more strenuous after approximately four to six weeks. Scars should fade and flatten anywhere from three months to one year after surgery. Patients are asked to wear a body girdle for at least four weeks.
The result will last many years, unless the patient gains weight or becomes pregnant.