Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids by removing excess fat, skin and muscle.
Approximately two hours.
General anaesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anaesthesia are used.
This is an outpatient procedure.
Possible Side Effects
Temporary discomfort, feeling of “tightness” in the eyelid area, swelling or bruising. Excessive tearing and sensitivity to light for the first few weeks should be expected. Temporary dryness, burning, or itching of eyes may also occur but these side effects are rare.
Temporary blurred or double vision, infection, bleeding, swelling at the corners of the eyelids, dry eyes, formation of whiteheads, slight asymmetry in healing or scarring, difficulty in closing eyes completely (which is rarely permanent), and a lowered position of the lower eyelid of the lower lids which may require further surgery. Permanent loss of vision is a risk but this is extremely rare.
The patient may begin reading after about two to three days and can expect to return to work at approximately five to ten days. Use of contact lens may be resumed after two weeks (upon re-evaluation by the physician). The patient should not consume alcohol after the surgery. More strenuous activities and alcohol consumption may be resumed after three weeks. Bruising and swelling should be gone after several weeks.
For some, the improvements from this procedure will last several years and may be permanent for others.