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Labia Minora Reduction

Labia Minora Reduction

Labia Minora Reduction

Reshapes stretched or enlarged inner labia.

Labia minora reduction surgery, or labioplasty, is a remodelling of the enlarged inner lips of the vulva. Enlargement of the labia minora may be apparent from childhood, but most often it is acquired, caused by childbirth, age or infection. It may bother the patient in a functional (wearing clothes, during sports) or in an aesthetic way. The procedure removes skin and mucosa in a way that the scar is barely visible. The procedure may be combined with a clitoral hood reduction (removal of the skin excess around the clitoris) and labia majora surgery.

The procedure typically takes between one to three hours depending on whether it is performed with additional procedures.

For better results and more comfort, general anaesthesia is the rule for this surgery. However, in some patients, local anaesthesia may be chosen.

The patient can leave the surgical facility the same day after recovery from anaesthesia.

Possible Side Effects
When meticulous technique is applied, the procedure is without major side effects. Sometimes (< 5% of cases) breakdown of the wound may occur, but healing with local wound care resolves the problem. In some patients, the scar tends to broaden, which can be corrected later.

No important risks are correlated to this type of surgery.

The area may be swollen for 4-6 weeks. Depending on the technique, there may be a colour mismatch that tends to fade after some time. Return to work is possible after one week. Sexual activity is allowed after six to eight weeks.

With good surgical technique, the results are very satisfying with an improved body image and greater physical comfort.